Business Stickers

How do you make your brand stand out? Before I started my business, I went through the long list of what I would need to launch. I started with the essentials like clothing racks, hangers, and displays. I quickly realized that I would need much more in order to be successful; To this day, I am still improving my displays with each event. A few very important items I knew I needed were marketing materials including: signs, tags, and my worst nightmare, business cards. I am one of those people that says business cards are dead, even though customers ask for them all the time. So my solution was — business stickers.

Stickers were actually the first item I ever sold! I knew that people were always excited to collect a new sticker, and it was my chance to design something that represented my brand. Although I did start out with the standard business card, I knew it wasn’t my thing, and I’ll tell you why. I personally never ask for them, and when given one, I generally throw them away. I have a phone and social media, so my thought is “why do I need your ‘contact info’ on a small piece of cardstock?” Fast forward, after I got through handing out my first batch of business cards, I knew I couldn’t bring myself to reorder them, as much as I knew people would still be asking for them.

So I got to thinking, how can I give customers something tangible with my information on it that won’t get thrown away?! I tried post cards that doubled as inserts in my shipped orders, I tried solely directing people to my Instagram, and finally, I came to the business stickers idea! Of course, business stickers are nothing new, but I created a sticker that I felt my customers would actually use, and would still have my information on it. I designed kiss cut stickers with my go to phrase, and the backing of the sticker is where I put my important information like my website, social media handle, and email. The feedback I have received about my stickers reassured me that I did the right thing for my business!

I hope this post gives shoppers a little insight into what goes on behind the scenes of a small business and entrepreneur. I will continue to make each decision with my customers in mind!


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