Fashion & Media

Fashion has changed a lot over time and with the influence of media, it seems to change even quicker with micro trends lasting anywhere from months to a couple weeks.

Thankfully with media, we are collectively realizing that a lot of what we see and hear is not realistic. We are pressured and convinced that we need to constantly spend, constantly refresh, constantly upgrade. It’s not true, and it’s never been true.

What I do believe is that when you take care of yourself with healthy habits, routine, and consistently, you feel better. When your socks and shoes are getting worn and begin to stretch or get holes in them, you should probably get new ones. And in turn, you probably feel better and your feet do too; the same goes for the garments in your rotation that just don’t fit like they used to.

I’m here to remind you that when you look good, you feel good. As a clothier, I want that level of satisfaction to be even more grand when you find that piece you’ve been looking for that makes you feel confident, creative, and stylish.

I’m also here to remind you that if you wore a cute outfit and didn’t take pics in it, it still happened.


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